Uruguay's Cement Production Declines in 2023

Uruguay's cement production, managed by the state-owned company ANCAP, experienced a significant annual contraction in 2023, amidst unsuccessful attempts to find private sector partners.

Uruguay's Cement Production Declines in 2023
Photo: prensa-latina.cu

In 2023, Uruguay's cement industry, overseen by the state-owned enterprise ANCAP, faced a notable downturn, with a 27% decrease in production compared to the previous year. This decline was observed despite ANCAP's efforts to engage private partners in the sector, which were met with union protests against the privatization of the industry. The Executive Power cited the cement sector's financial losses as confirmation of the production drop between 2022 and 2023.

In December 2023, ANCAP Portland produced 21,662 tons of cement using its clinker, marking a decrease of 6,345 tons compared to December 2022. June 2023 was the least productive month, with only 8,571 tons produced, and the annual production totaled 183,583 tons. Cementos del Plata, responsible for marketing and distributing ANCAP's cement, faces competition from three other companies that import cement, including one from Brazil and another from Spain.

Source: Prensa Latina