Global Cement Industry Unites in Paris for Worldwide Decarbonization

The global cement sector convened in Paris to develop a joint action framework aimed at decarbonizing the building industry, emphasizing sustainable, carbon-neutral construction by 2050.

Global Cement Industry Unites in Paris for Worldwide Decarbonization
Photo by Chris Karidis / Unsplash

The world's cement industry gathered in Paris for the Global Forum on Buildings and Climate to forge a common action plan for the sector's decarbonization.

This significant event started on March 7, 2024 and brought together international delegations, including governments and industry stakeholders, to promote sustainable and resilient building practices globally.

With over 1,000 international delegations participating, the forum aims to endorse a unified strategy to substantially reduce the building sector's emissions. This initiative complements the COP 28 Buildings Breakthrough, focusing on global cooperation for sustainable and decarbonized construction as the standard by 2030. The conference highlighted the cement industry's commitment to zero-carbon concrete by 2050, with emphasis on the essential role of cement and concrete in achieving durable and decarbonized buildings.

Source: BTP News