Cuban Cement Factory Cuts Production by More Than Half Due to High Electricity Consumption

The Siguaney Cement Company in Sancti Spíritus, Cuba, has significantly reduced its production plan for the year due to high energy consumption, dropping in 2024.

Cuban Cement Factory Cuts Production by More Than Half Due to High Electricity Consumption
Photo by Alexander Kunze / Unsplash

The Siguaney Cement Factory, located in Sancti Spíritus, Cuba, faces a drastic reduction in its production capabilities, leading to a significant cut in its annual production plan. According to a report by the state-run media Escambray, the factory's high electricity consumption has forced this decision, with the production output for 2023 recorded at 47,000 tons of material. However, the plan for 2024 has been adjusted to just 20,000 tons.

Daniel Valdés Medina, the deputy director of the state institution, detailed that the factory aims to produce 18,000 tons of grey cement and 2,000 tons of white cement this year. Despite the reduction, the factory also plans to manufacture about 30,000 tons of mortar, a by-product of cement production, which is sold to various state and private economic actors.

Miguel Antonio Morales Duany, the energy specialist at the institution, highlighted that the factory's electricity consumption reaches about 40 megawatts (MW) daily when operating at full capacity. The report emphasized the strict review mechanisms in place at the factory to prevent illegal cement extraction and noted that only limited quantities of mortar are available for sale at the factory's designated sales point. Mortar, while versatile, is not considered cement due to its composition and lower resistance.

This production cutback reflects the broader challenges faced by Cuba's cement industry, including technological obsolescence, fuel shortages due to high consumption, and a lack of financing for necessary maintenance or new equipment purchases. The factory's reduced output and a seven-month inactivity period in 2022 due to kiln issues and energy deficits further exacerbate the situation, highlighting the industry's struggles amidst Cuba's ongoing energy crisis.
