Argentina: Cement Sales in La Rioja Fell by Almost 50%

Sales continue to decline, and the construction sector is no exception. This issue was discussed by Pablo Chamía, head of the Loma Negra distributor in La Rioja, who noted that cement sales in La Rioja have fallen by 50%.

Argentina: Cement Sales in La Rioja Fell by Almost 50%
Photo by Angelica Reyes / Unsplash

The construction sector is facing an unprecedented downturn in sales, with a particularly acute impact in La Rioja, where cement sales have plummeted by almost 50%. Pablo Chamía, the head of the Loma Negra distributor in the region, shared his concerns about this dramatic decline. Chamía, who has decades of experience in the cement distribution business, remarked on the unprecedented nature of the current market conditions. He highlighted a significant price hike, noting that the cost of a bag of cement escalated from $3,000 in March of the previous year to $8,200 now.

The situation is exacerbated by a rapid increase in prices, with a notable 28% jump at the end of January alone. Chamía concluded his remarks by expressing the gravity of the current situation in the construction sector, describing it as "very critical" and emphasizing the challenging times the industry is facing.

Source with Hyperlink: La 4x4 Radio